Thursday, October 28, 2010

Effective prayer before the lecture

Elise had asked us to pray about resistance to the truth. It works!

- We had a call from a man who heard our announcement on the Sentinel radio program and followed up, calling our Reading Room.

- Two newspapers have printed the press release she sent. One hadn't printed any lecture information for years. The other used her picture.

- Two visitors in the RR this week overcame their reluctance to come in and face their problems. One of domestic abuse, (for whom I will share Elise's article on safety of women. The other dealing with alcoholism had passed by ten times before he came in for a long talk (was so grateful that he donated $150 to the RR).

- Yesterday a regular visitor from Guatemala reported he had found a new room. Last Friday we had read Elise's article on Finding the Home That's right for you. We worked on finding qualities to replace his cold, dirty, dark basement room. His new room is light, clean, tranquil, and warm, better located, and less rent!

We're continuing to work, pray, and gratefully share the two spiritual events with our communities.

Witnessing Chist's power in action.
- lecture chair

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