Thursday, November 18, 2010

Church growth

Loved the Daily Lift of Nov 17,2010!!!

Such good, clear, helpful ideas. We have 3 new brother birds (actually 2 sister birds, and 1 brother) hanging with our flock. The couple found Christian Science and our church on the internet some time back. As we had been praying to have a wider sense of church they appeared, having “been thinking of checking us out for some time. They had been reading Science and Health online, but had never been to a Christian Science service. Following the directions on our website, they drove the 20+ miles and have been coming ever since. The other gal is someone from a distance in the other direction, who had called me for help, having been steered my way by a local Reading Room.

Thought you'd enjoy knowing the members of our church have begun gathering seeds to share. We could all relate to the metaphor in your Daily Lift, though we hadn’t put it in those terms.

- from Ohio

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