Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fun in church service

Thank YOU for a great experience!

I wasn't at church Sunday (I was feeding a group of women at our Lodge who call themselves: "Sweet Hearts for Jesus", and I bet you've met them all, in the form of other women), so can't tell you about visitors at church yet.

Tonight we got together at 6:30, as advertised at the lecture, for a discussion group on the lecture. Just members (6) showed up, but we had a pleasant time revisiting various points of your talk.

After reading one of your articles last week, I incorporated the story you mentioned about Jeremiah and Ebedmelech into my readings on "God is ever-present" tonight. Well, I started at Jer 38:1 on those names (all of which I'd looked up the pronunciations for and practiced), and was ok until I got to Malchiah, when something happened, and I totally lost myself in giggles. I couldn't stop. I had to leave the podium to go get Kleenex because I was laughing so hard. By that time, of course, everyone else was, too, and we had a jolly time trying to get
me settled back down. Just wanted to let you know you're responsible
for my bad behavior... :) kidding. They were interested in the story bec. hadn't heard it before somehow. Although I've read the Bible through, I didn't remember it either. Great story, thanks.

We all got a lot out of our time with you and "before you", doing preparations based on your abundance of materials. Thank you for all the good work you're doing, and for your dedication to your goals.

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