Monday, May 25, 2009

Perth Sunday School involved in lecture

Our Sunday School was also involved in the Lecture with a number of students in attendance and one ushering.

The strategies for prayer that Elise shared and her articles were also included in some subsequent Sunday School classes.

Her 4 points: Tune out static; Tune in to God; Listen, be Still; and Obey, were typed on to business-size cards, with the relevant Bible passages on the back. These were given to several Sunday School students. At least one of the students now carries this card in his wallet.

Kindness to a stranger

After the lecture "God is Speaking to You"...

A member spoke about her son driving past a traffic accident scene and feeling compelled – against his own wishes – to stop and walk back around the spot to where he found a man lying on the ground, unattended, who reached out his hand to him. Her son held his hand and felt the strength coming back into the man’s hand as he prayed. He stayed with him until other help arrived and took the man away.

- Perth Australia

Listening to God overts a suicide attempt

The Wednesday readings following Elise's innovative Lecture, "God is Speaking to You" (Perth Australia) reminded me of a number of occasions when alertness in responding to "Angel messages" has resulted in benefits for myself and others.

On one occasion, I felt led to talk to a stranger while we were both standing at the protecting rail of a Tourist look-out overlooking a steep drop. After engaging in conversation the man said that my compassionate contact had changed his earlier decision to take his own life by climbing over the rail and jumping.

One summer I had been driving almost non-stop from Melbourne en route to Perth for about 20 hours when I was prompted to stop in the early hours of the morning before entering some of the roughest unsealed road with dangerous dust-filled pot-holes. When I stepped out of my car in the moonlight I looked at one of the tyres going flat in front of my eyes.

Recently, while waiting in the Church foyer for a Wednesday evening Testimony Meeting to start, I felt impelled to welcome a visitor just entering, as he had by-passed the usher on duty. It turned out that he is a neighbour of mine who, as a result of this contact, attended not only his first Christian Science Service, but also Elise's lecture.

There are numerous other examples which come to mind as I continue, but these three represent different scenarios.

Lost item found

The following healing was emailed 4 days after the lecture in Perth.

I needed a faith restorer. One thing I never have to doubt is that divine Mind will uncover what appears "lost". Well, getting ready for a party on Friday, I could not find my glasses. After rummaging with friend’s help I decided just to leave them and go without. After returning home, and with prayer, I had a search in all the usual places and finally decided to trust and get on with other things. Well, they still hadn't showed up by bedtime so I took myself to bed quite positively and asked what lesson I was being prodded into. This morning I had a visitor, then started preparing to empty the numerous boxes in my room, thinking that maybe the lesson was to restore a sense of order. But before committing myself I had a "message" to make some cheese scones to take round to friends. I hadn't even thought of that before, but started getting the stuff out, and as I looked up in the dresser, tucked in behind an envelope and a popstick teapot stand, against the wall - the specs!!

I NEVER would have looked there under normal circumstances and didn't put them there. My cleaner had been wiping out my kitchen cupboards and I must have left them on the window ledge and she put them out of the way!!!

Amazing stuff and my gratitude was absolute, - what a restoring faith experience. A little thing maybe, but the sense of confidence I had and the non panic - and obedience to the good deed call, really did it for me. I know I can be just as aware for the greater challenges.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Comments from Gold Coast Australia

Indeed, we had a wonderful feast at the lecture!
A gentleman and lady who had phoned me prior to the lecture were present - each bringing a friend along. Although this was the first introduction her friend had to Christian Science, the lady herself has a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scripture" by Mary Baker Eddy, and as her friend seemed unsure of buying one, I asked Vanessa if I may donate a copy. She agreed and a blue paper back was handed to her with love on behalf of the members of First Church, Gold Coast. She was deeply moved and happily accepted it.

Comment: I believe the attendance was excellent, and the fact that there were several 'first timers' to Christian Science present, is fruitage resulting from the prayerful work done by all who were lovingly involved in its presentation. All present and beyond will surely be blessed with the 'bread' which Elise shared, with many 'baskets of left overs' gathered to be shared at opportune moments.

Comment: I have found that typing up my notes from the workshop was the most rewarding thing for me to have done. Not only for my own inspiration, but I forwarded them to my daughters who had heard the talk down south, but didn't have the opportunity to go to the workshop, and they are still talking about how helpful they are.

Comment: It was a very useful and uplifting lecture. I think the stranger to Christian Science sitting next to me was a bit perplexed - it was her first lecture; gave her plenty to think about.
I hope she will read Science & Health and the literature handed out on her trip home to San Diego, California.

Comment: I spoke with a newcomer, Helga - who goes to another church with which I
was not familiar. She really enjoyed the lecture - Ed ushered her to the front row where she was happy to sit so that she was not distracted. She purchased Science & Health and said she would endeavour to come to the Reading Room.

I also spoke to another lady I had never seen before - she had a bag of groceries and I passed a comment about them. She said that she had been walking home with them when a lady offered her a lift, but said that she would have to accompany her to the lecture first as she couldn't drop
her off before. She did so.

Comment: On the Sunday after the lecture a newcomer (Jacqueline) came to church. She sat in front of me listening intently, and after the service she said that she had to go as she had the flu. She then asked how we would think about that and why we say the evil is not from God if God is
everywhere and all power. I answered that evil cannot come from a good God, and that we seem to see evil if we believe it is true - but it is never from God. She was satisfied with the answer.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Gaithersburg MD Spanish lecture feedback

When our lecture chairman first went to the Shady Grove Workers Center to present our offer of a lecture for the workers, the staff were ready to welcome and accommodate us, saying that many other speakers, including speakers from other churches, do come to the center to talk with the workers. After they understood what our message would be, a woman on the staff told our chairman as she left that we were bringing “a gift from heaven.”

On April 30 before 8 a.m, the trailer was filled to capacity with about 50 temporary workers who were eager for the half-hour lecture to start. They listened attentively and all wanted copies of the Heraldos (40), Spanish New Testaments (40), and Ciencia y Saluds (10) that our team of four members had brought. In fact, the administrative staff were disappointed that the copies were gone before they could get ones, so one member went to the Reading Room and came back with more for the staff later the same morning. Many people wanted to talk more, and our group was invited back.

As a result, the Gaithersburg members have taken on the responsibility of visiting the center weekly. Below is a fruitage report from Linda H, who went to the Workers Center on May 7, one week after the lecture:

I had the privilege of meeting with this group this morning at 7:30 a.m. It turns out that the manager of the center, Fernando G, is a friend of ours from John and Jay’s Boy Scout troop so I stayed after for quite a while and caught up with him. The staff asked for another Ciencia y Salud and one of the workers borrowed a copy while I was there. I played just the first 10–15 minutes of an Heraldo CD and then spoke with them.

We talked about the 91st Psalm (an integral part of the program they’d heard) and God’s ever-present power in each of our lives. I then talked a little about the power of prayer and used the Lord’s Prayer and Mrs. Eddy’s interpretation that we went through together. Then I took out the translation of the Miscellaneous Writings article, “Contagion” that is in our window at the Reading Room. We read through that together and I ran out of copies to give out. Sarah (one of the staffers) made more for us. Following the program we had an interesting discussion of that article with one of the education staffers who loved Mrs. Eddy’s perspective. I had the opportunity to talk a little about Mary Baker Eddy with them.

They are eager for us to continue visiting so I set up regular meetings for Wednesday mornings at 7:30 a.m. (except for the first Wednesday of the month when they have their own worker meetings). This group loves the messages we’ve shared; one even thought he’d attended one of our Spanish services a couple of years ago and looks forward to returning.

Rockville MD English lecture feedback from church

We have so much fruitage that it’s hard to package it on this one form.

First, our Reading Room librarian reported that she had sales of $103 dollars from her table in the lobby after the lecture—a record sales day. A few days later, a woman who had been at the lecture came into our Rockville Reading Room looking for CDs. She listened to several and purchased some and was interested in other literature as well.

Since the theme of our lecture preparation was outreach to youth, our librarian was also inspired to approach some young people outside the Reading Room who were waiting for the bus on a school day. Rockville High School had been closed because of the swine flu, and she thought that perhaps they might like to hear something helpful. She mentioned that David had written the 91st Psalm to express his understanding of God’s protection and they said, wow, they hadn’t thought of it that way. (Note: Rockville high school was declared closed for two weeks the day after our lecture, but three school days later, it reopened. We attribute this turnaround to the
effect of prayer and the proactive messages of The Mother Church via Internet and e-mail.)

As we prepared for our lecture with youth in mind, we tried several times to invite youth from the Hearts and Homes shelters for at-risk youth, with no response. However, we did have young people at our lecture! One young boy, the son of a soloist, was eager to hear the lecture and he listened intently for the whole hour plus. Other members’ two teenage granddaughters, who are being raised in another religion, brought a friend of theirs who was feeling devastated about being eliminated during tryouts for a school musical production. This girl was captivated by the message of the lecture and felt for the first time that God loved her, no matter what. She was the first person to speak to the lecturer at the end of the talk.

Some members brought friends and neighbors who hadn’t been to our church before. They were all excited about what they heard. A member who hadn’t been to church for several years also came to this lecture. Another member said that this was the best lecture she had heard since her childhood.

One of our members e-mailed her entire neighborhood and one of the neighbors came to the lecture after having a conversation with our member about current popular spirituality trends and Christian Science. Another of the neighbors who got the e-mail happened to work with a different member and asked her if she knew about the talk. This member said she hadn’t thought of asking this person to the lecture and said she learned a lesson about being more proactive about inviting people to lectures!

Another guest at the lecture, who attends our church occasionally, brought her sister and daughter this time. Afterwards, she wrote: “We all enjoyed the lecture very much--I have to say the lecturer is awesome! I loved her attitude and down-to-earthness. I have been applying the thoughts out of the talk with more effectiveness than ever! I feel my daughter is, too--some of her remarks recently are reflecting the points laid out by the lecture.”

One of our guests had trouble finding her way to our church. She pulled over in downtown Rockville with her blinkers flashing. A police officer drove up and asked her if she needed help. She said she didn’t know how to get to our church. After he showed it to her on the map, she still was uncertain about how to drive there, so the officer led the way and she followed him and got to the lecture on time. The lecture chair wrote a note of gratitude from our church to the Rockville Police Chief. By return mail, she received a note from the chief thanking her for taking the time to write and tell him about our appreciation.

Approximately 100 people attended the lecture, among whom at least 12-15 were newcomers, although we didn’t identify absolutely everyone who was there. We did witness the results of prayer and members’ personally inviting people to this lecture!

-Lecture chairperson

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Kids love lectures!

My Sunday School kids who attended the lecture were SO impressed. They repeated the healings to those who were not at the lecture!

Lovingly, Donna

Results from inviting neighbors to a lecture

I decided to have an Academy Award party for those interested in my neighborhood and sent an email out to the entire community. I ended up with three people I had never met. They came earlier than the rest so we sat around my kitchen counter and talked about what each of us did.

When I told them I conducted services in my church that opened up much discussion about current forward thinkers, spiritual thinkers and their discovery that a woman had started a religion. It felt to me like I was giving a mini talk on an introduction to Christian Science. One young Asian woman who didn't contribute much to the conversation said to me later "I should come to your church." Another one wrote me an email later in the week saying something to the effect that she liked the way I think (I know that is not what she said, but that's how I took it) and we agreed through email that we would get together.

Later I sent her the flyer for your talk and she was the one that came to the lecture (the only one from the neighborhood as far as I know - I sent the flyer to the entire neighborhood once I figured out the way to do a mass email). It appears that she was actually considering a retirement and another career and coming to my house and meeting a complete stranger opened up a new opportunity for her which in turn led to her coming to your talk. I think this is pretty cool!

Here are her comments:
Hi Chris, I really enjoyed the speaker and the message. I also want to come see you on a Wednesday evening. I started taking a real estate class on Monday. It is an all day class on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from May 4-20. It's quite intensive and I use my off days to study. This "real estate" thing all started at your house, by the way, when I met Shannon (friend of Donna). God is talking to me, and I am listening.

- Chris

Healings from Newark DE lecture

Alex asked me to share that the lecture preparation session brought him a complete healing from a belief in fatigue. He left the meeting feeling invigorated and fresh and full of energy. He has since then been using in his devotional life the very practical idea of lining up God’s qualities as his own and it has helped him to find healing from one major challenge whose effects he had been experiencing over several years. He continues to profit from the clear and helpful ideas Elise shared with us.

He also wanted to pass along the glowing reports about the lecture from two of his mother’s friends, who are not Christian Scientists but with whom his mother has been sharing Christian Science ideas. One of them, a Russian lady who is a professor of philosophy, said she enjoyed it very much and was very positively influenced by it. She has a troubled relationship with her teenage son, and she said she felt that her relationship with her son would be changed for the better by what she learned about prayer at the lecture. The other friend, a Bulgarian woman, said that the ideas about the machete and helicopter methods of prayer inspired her and gave her tools to handle current challenges in her life.

One of our students at the University of Delaware said she really enjoyed the lecture and felt drawn to Christian Science and to attend Sunday School in our church and that she thought Christian Science had the right ideas for prayer that would help her solve the challenges of college life and her athletic career.

Our fifteen-year-old son came to the lecture and took many notes and came away inspired and energized by what he heard. A week or so afterward, when told that I was working on some claims (physical illness) he asked Alex, “What method of healing do you think she should use, Dad? The machete method or the helicopter method?” They agreed that I should use the helicopter method.

Then on Thursday I woke up not feeling well with some seasonally-related symptoms, and I immediately sat down to make a list of all the positive moral and spiritual qualities that are God’s gift to me. I filled a whole page with qualities, and by the time I was done the symptoms were gone.

The lecture prep meeting also energized me to contact several people that I hadn’t yet invited and to follow up on several other invitations I’d already made. That afternoon I called a church member to encourage her to bring her son to the lecture, and learned that she was not feeling well. I shared with her the idea that had helped me (identifying myself with moral and spiritual qualities), and she asked me to read her my list over the phone. I did and she wrote the qualities down, and was very much helped by it and came to the lecture and did not have to leave during it, as she had been fearing.

As for the lecture itself, I personally was touched by how Elise began the talk by speaking of her prayer for each and every one of us, that we might lay down anything we were heavily burdened by. When she said that that was her prayer for us, something resonated deeply in me—a thorny cluster of claims and challenges that I have been carrying around connected to my sister’s passing last September.

The lecture was an overflowing cup of inspired ideas on how to address all problems through prayer, and since then my daily devotions and study of the Bible lesson have been more focused and have been yielding more and more benefits, including, crucially, a healing realization of the truth of my sister’s condition—that she has always been cared for by God, that every need of hers always has been, is, and will be met by God, that nothing can ever separate her from God, good (Romans 8, mentioned by Elise as a powerfully inspiring source of healing in the Bible, and indeed it is), and that the same is true of me, too.

Elise’s lecture preparatory meeting and talk are gifts that keep on giving, and they were so beautifully expressive of God’s great love for each and every one of His children.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Results from Hamilton NZ lectures

Here are some of the results from your talks:

The people from Tauranga who were at the evening talk report that a friend who came with them is now reading Science & Health.

Two people who had been in the church years ago came to the evening lecture and now have a reconnection with us.

June has had several deep talks, one for 3 hours, to Dan the man from Te Aroha who came to the lecture and spoke to you afterwards. He has a copy of Science & Health and is very interested. He came to church today and took another Science & Health for a friend.

The lady who rang the radio station is coming around to my house to see me and pick up her Science & Health. She has been away and will be coming back this week so I will call her.

Anna and Sheryl have been at church every Sunday since the lectures. Another lady has come to church and is in contact with June.

The Reading Room has been very busy with sales.
We are so grateful for your loving instructive talks and are still talking about them. We are certainly moving along.

With regards,

Rio Rancho NM

Although most of the 75 people in the audience were Christian Scientists from neighboring towns, with maybe 7 visitors, it was an involved group. One new practitioner told me the lecture was “perfect” and gave her fresh ideas to use in praying for patients. Another lady said the two people she’d invited were impressed that prayer was so simple. They told her they wanted to come to church with her. This is an immediate response to their lecture prep on Church Growth.

Two women talked for almost half an hour in their seats, one was obviously a newcomer talking with her friend about what they’d heard. They moved out of the room when we left and were continuing their discussion in the lobby.

Several people mentioned how they related to one or another of the ideas presented. The church was so enthusiastic they talked about scheduling another lecture. It’s wonderful when churches are enthusiastic about lectures and the possibilities for growth and presenting the healing Christ to the community.