Saturday, November 7, 2009

PIttsburgh series

Elise has sent another inspiring letter and the Lecture Committee is pleased to
share it with you all.

Her thank you for the work and statement of the effectiveness of how the message continues to spread is well founded. We had responses to most of our publicity – people attended because they received a mailing or saw our sign outside the church, or the Almanac and Suburban Living ads. Several people reported that they heard the KDKA promos, too. What is most impressive is how we all extended invitations to so many of our friends, neighbors, colleagues and strangers. Even if the guests we invited were unable to be there, or may not have been interested, the love that we expressed in the invitation has been worthwhile.

It is wonderful to hear, each day, the fruitage from our lecture. Here are just a few comments that have already been expressed from those who attended– we can expect many more examples when we consider that 70 – 75 people were there Monday night.

From our members –
- It was happy to be there, I felt the love and fullness of joy.
- I really appreciated our lecture. (This came from several members.)
- The Preparatory Meeting gave me so much!
- Going through each of the Beatitudes helped and I keep using these thoughts.
- This time is the first time that a lecture has been successful with any of my guests.
- Working on the assignment for journalists and ministries has helped and healed.

From our guests –
- There are some answers here, I’ve been searching.
- You know, I’ve never had prayer explained before.
- Working with the Bible was very important to me, I am now using it more.

From a serendipity visitor –
- I had no idea what Christian Science was about.

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