Tuesday, December 1, 2009

PIttsburgh series comments

[Cartoon: “New Year’s Resolution”
Picture of a group of people shouting at a snake labeled “Material Sense”
“You’re a lying false witness. Vamoose!” “NOT impressed.” “Go” “Git!” “Be gone” “NOT listening”
The snake responds: “I’m going! I know when I’m not wanted.”]

November 18, 2009

Dear Elise,
Some time ago I tacked this little cartoon from “My Bible Lesson” on the refrigerator and it has served as a reminder ever since. Imagine my delight to discover your lecture about texting God! It underlined for me the effectiveness of these sometimes explosive little prayers I’d been using.

Thank you so much for this lecture and for the other five that made up a glorious week for our tri-state area!

For the first time (although the process was challenging) we had people travelling from lecture to lecture to hear more. For the first time we had almost total branch church member involvement. People personally invited and brought more guests. The proportion of non Christian Scientists was greater. The number s of attendees higher. The preparation meeting was a first too – one that set the tone and encouraged us to complete our metaphysical homework.

The day after the downtown lecture our Jointly Maintained Reading Room received eleven phone calls praising the lecture – before noon. Fruitage continues.

Most important to me is the spiritual growth of our members: we learned to love, appreciate and respect each other more.

We thank you for your high standards and good work.

For the Tri-State Christian Science Activities Committee

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