Friday, November 19, 2010

Healing of panic attack

Thank you for your lecture at the Sparta, NJ Christian Science church. I used what you suggested (identifying myself / others with moral & spiritual qualities).
Last night we had movie night at the clubhouse of the development where I live. I had a panic attack. So I decided to think about the moral / spiritual qualities in all the folks there (about 10 or so). As I sat there in the clubhouse being bombarded by terrorizing thoughts, I thought, I'm going to use what I just learned earlier today in the lecture. So I began looking at the folks around me. In front of me sat a Grandmother who had just had a birthday party for her 3 year old grandson. Nearby me also sat the man who set up the projector and speakers so we could see the movie we were currently watching. Behind me sat the woman who made the popcorn for all of us. On the other side of me sat the man who was a lawyer who is helping our condo association with a lawsuit.

I felt surrounded by these caring thoughts. Then I thought about the qualities I expressed that day too. The terrifying feeling left me. Thinking about all the good God qualities in all the folks in that room made me feel safe again.

This morning I used the helicopter approach and dug deep into my study of the lesson sermon. Thank you sooooo much for your lecture "The Possibilities of Prayer".
- from Sparta NJ

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