Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Port Huron lecture

About 80 people filled the room at the Thomas Edison Inn to hear "The Healing Power of the Bible" Sunday afternoon. Several drove for more than an hour to get there. There was a group from Grosse Pointe Farms where I'd lectured last year. One woman had seen the ad in the newspaper. She wanted to know more how prayer worked. Afterward she said she'd heard ideas she could put to use. Another couple was invited by a church member. The woman said she needed her prayers to be more effective and was going to use the verses given in the lecture. I did recommend to the church member to get her a Science and Health, if she hadn't purchased one after the lecture.

Another woman said she'd found Christian Science at a Reading Room in San Francisco recently. She had begun attending church in her community in Michigan. This was her first lecture. She'd brought another friend with her. She had learned a lot about how Christian Science works in the lecture, she said.

There were a few people who had attended Sunday School but hadn't continued attending church. Perhaps the lecture gave them additional ideas for their personal prayer and study.

People arrived throughout the lecture. The church put directional arrows on the signs in the building so that late comers could find the room. We left the door open and people drifted in throughout. One man came five minutes before the end. He'd driven several hours and had heard about the lecture only that day. He'd decided he needed to be there. I gave him the references used in the lecture, and talked with him. The local practitioner and other members talked with him for at least twenty minutes afterward so that he felt the trip was worthwhile.

God is leading individuals to lectures in order to hear specific Christ messages. It might not be simply what the lecturer says, but the inspiration coming directly from God to the individual.

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