Monday, March 8, 2010

Healings happen in Puerto Rico talk

There has been much healing before, during, and after the lectures, and we are rejoicing and so grateful to see these blessings of the Science of the Christ for ourselves and our neighbors. Thank you so much, Elise, for your lectures and prayers.

A woman who was given a flyer for the lecture as she was reading the announcement for the lecture on an A-frame sign in front of the Church came to the lecture and the next Wednesday evening came to the testimony meeting to express her gratitude for the lecture and for the Science and Health which she was reading. She said that from the minute she was given the invitation she felt as if she had been plugged into a spiritual power source.

Another woman came to the Reading Room for the first time a week or two before the lecture. She was healed of chronic pain in her knee on that first visit. She began reading Science and Health, came to the lecture, and later testified at a Wednesday testimony meeting, not only about the healing of her knee (which she illustrated by walking to the front of the Church), but also about finding a place to live and a job by applying the ideas from the lecture.

A church member found out the day of the lecture that one of her sons had been in a car accident, but had not been harmed. She prayed to know that she could go to the lecture without fear for him of any later effects from the accident, and was able to be at the lecture free of concern. She later found out that her other son had someone on a bicycle run into his car, but neither the person on the bicycle or her son was injured. She was so grateful for these evidences of God’s omnipresent care.

Another church member, who had gone to take someone home in the time between the English lecture and the Spanish lecture, backed into a parked car as she was leaving the person’s house. The car belonged to the niece of the person she had taken home, and the niece was in the house. It turned out that there had been a previous dent in the car in the same place, and since the insurance company had already arranged for the repair, there was no need for the church member to do anything. She was able to return to church for the Spanish lecture with much gratitude for God’s care.

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A member reported that a friend who has a problem that causes her great difficulty in walking, who had come to lectures and some church services in the past, came to this lecture and said she felt the presence of Love more than she had before. She is now earnestly studying Science and Health, and says she now really feels that healing is possible for her.

This same member said her accountant, who had been resistant to reading Science and Health in the past, was now reading it. She had been concerned about losing her job and had also been caring for a bedridden family member who was paralyzed. She is now reading the book and so is her family member. The accountant’s job contract has been extended for nine months, and both she and her family member feel uplifted by what they are reading.

Also, another person this member knows called her for prayer because she had been diagnosed with a terminal illness. This person had also been resistant to Christian Science for many years. Both this woman and her husband have been healed by reading Science and Health.

The daughters of another member have been more receptive to using Christian Science and have asked for help in prayer when they have challenges. One of the daughters was healed when injured playing basketball. She came down hard on her ankle and heard a cracking sound. She was in pain, and her father (our church member) was called. While she was taken to a hospital, the father called a church member for prayer, and that church member in turn called several others. When the ankle was examined at the hospital, it was not broken, and the daughter was quickly free of pain.

There has been so much healing going on here. The lectures the preparation, and the prayerful work you have done, Elise, has healed and blessed and continues to heal and bless us and our neighbors. Our attendance at church services and Reading Room continues to grow, as well. We are so grateful for the healing power of the Christ you imparted in your lectures.

With much love and gratitude,

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