Monday, April 6, 2009

Lecture feedback Hornsby Australia

Our lecture "The Possibilities of Prayer" was indeed an 'upper room' experience. Our church members feel blessed and of one accord. This will I am positive go out and bless the wider community. Meg and I feel this was the most spiritually uplifting lecture we have ever experienced.

There were 11 people who were visitors one bought a Science and Health another asked after Mary Baker Eddy Christian Healer. I showed it to them but they didn't buy it.

Another sitting beside me took copious notes. I think she spoke to you. Jeroo's friend as you can see below. The little six year old boy had insisted on coming with his Dad and are our neighbours. The Rev Ann and her two friends from the Uniting Church were impressed felt it was very 'interesting' - perhaps a different way of praying. (The Reverand talked with me and said that they had a prayer group meeting at the same time as the lecture, so we were all praying together!)

This was great as we have established a true neighbourly relationship. Thank you so much for your wonderful, uplifting, spiritually minded lecture and preparatory meeting we are all most grateful - Jan

From another person:
I had a visitor Sherna at the lecture. She was very happy to meet you all. The lecture was an inspiring experience for her. Sherna has been familiar with the teachings of Christian Science. In fact she has taken a copy of the full text Weekly Bible Lesson from Ben on the lecture day.

I throughly enjoyed the lecture more so from the metaphyical point of view. Elise Moore delivered/presented the lecture with such inspiration that went out to every heart. I am still taking it all in!!

With appreciation and love to all

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