Thursday, May 7, 2009

Results from inviting neighbors to a lecture

I decided to have an Academy Award party for those interested in my neighborhood and sent an email out to the entire community. I ended up with three people I had never met. They came earlier than the rest so we sat around my kitchen counter and talked about what each of us did.

When I told them I conducted services in my church that opened up much discussion about current forward thinkers, spiritual thinkers and their discovery that a woman had started a religion. It felt to me like I was giving a mini talk on an introduction to Christian Science. One young Asian woman who didn't contribute much to the conversation said to me later "I should come to your church." Another one wrote me an email later in the week saying something to the effect that she liked the way I think (I know that is not what she said, but that's how I took it) and we agreed through email that we would get together.

Later I sent her the flyer for your talk and she was the one that came to the lecture (the only one from the neighborhood as far as I know - I sent the flyer to the entire neighborhood once I figured out the way to do a mass email). It appears that she was actually considering a retirement and another career and coming to my house and meeting a complete stranger opened up a new opportunity for her which in turn led to her coming to your talk. I think this is pretty cool!

Here are her comments:
Hi Chris, I really enjoyed the speaker and the message. I also want to come see you on a Wednesday evening. I started taking a real estate class on Monday. It is an all day class on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from May 4-20. It's quite intensive and I use my off days to study. This "real estate" thing all started at your house, by the way, when I met Shannon (friend of Donna). God is talking to me, and I am listening.

- Chris

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