Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Feedback from Ft Walton Beach FL

Such a marvelous two days! The lecture prep. and the lecture were so uplifting. So many good comments. Good testimonies and a good fruitage meeting afterward.

Two of our attendees had never heard a Christian Science lecture before. Both walked back down the aisle with tears on their cheeks - tears of joy and understanding they had not previously had. I think we all felt a sense of renewal.

At the Fruitage meeting, everybody spoke up! They liked being a part of the lecture. Many spoke of how approachable you were - how good it was to meet you at the entrance, and how relaxed the atmosphere was (Love divine). They liked the white boards and particularly, the writing out of the qualities of God. When I say "they", one or two people would mention something and it would be echoed and all agreed.

The use of Bible quotations was so well received. By the way, many have asked if we could please get the Bible citations you used at the Lecture. (We took better notes at the Prep. meeting, so we have those.) People loved your testimonies - and the practical application you explained. Many commented how you brought about overcoming negativity. They felt it so good to have the quiet moment to see correctly someone in the news.

And several said that they had never heard a lecturer end the lecture with treatment. Telling ourselves, "I am good",they felt truly blessed. I could go on and on, but the bottom line is that we are so grateful for your talks and shared moments of truth.

Much love, Barbara

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