Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Lecture Publicity

The publicity on these lectures in Ciudad Victoria was amazing. This is a small group of people studying Christian Science. Through prayer and donations they arranged the following. They had a full page in the newspaper dedicated to talking about the talk with a testimony written by a local person, an article written by the journalist which was quite good and my picture splashed 8 inches square! I’ve never seen anything like this. They also had additional ads in the paper. In fact I saw one the day of the lecture, a large 4x4 inch ad on the back page of the science section with photos of nebula in space and some interesting articles on the comet passing by and developments in space. They also ran TV ads. They had a banner in front of the Holiday Inn which is on a main street and two other banners around town. People all over Ciudad Victoria seemed to know about these lectures. The maid in the hotel knew my entire schedule saying she heard it advertised on the radio and heard my interview on the radio.

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